IWA TG on modelling of phototrophic systems for water treatment: developing and sharing valuable tools for promoting innovation

26th of June (14:30-16:30)

The workshop aims to introduce the newly formed IWA Task Group (TG) on modeling of phototrophic systems for water treatment and to launch TG activities in this first in-person meeting. Besides sharing information about the group in the view of broadening participation among colleagues from academia and industry, the workshop will identify the current needs via an interactive panel discussion together with the attendants. This will contribute to the framing of future development activities to be pursued by the TG. In particular, the state of the art in relation to phototrophic organisms modelling will be reviewed, with the goal of providing an overview of the extensive technical and scientific literature. It will be followed-up  with a moderated discussion to critically assess the development and application of modeling tools for photobioreactors in water treatment and resource recovery. The ultimate workshop objective is the production of a TG “manifesto”, pointing the way for future modelling activities. The workshop organizers invite practitioners anyone with an interest in phototrophic bioprocess operations.

Dr. Borja Valverde-Pérez,
Technical University of Denmark
Dr. Gabriel Capson-Tojo,
Dr. Andrea Turolla,
Politecnico di Milano

Tentative Agenda


  Monday (26th June)

IWA TG on modelling of phototrophic systems for water treatment: developing and sharing valuable tools for promoting innovation

14:30 – 14:45 Launch and introduction to IWA WG on phototrophic modelling
14:45 – 15:15 A summary of the state of the art in phototrophic modelling
15:15 – 16:15 Panel discussion based on Q&A, including audience answer collection via collaborative tools (e.g., mentimeter), about: (1) current needs related to process modelling, (2) existing barriers to overcome, (3) definition of a strategic roadmap
16:15 – 16:30 Workshop sum-up and final remarks


For any information contact andrea.turolla@polimi.it

Organized by



Technical Secretariat

Alo Congress – VB Group
Numancia 73, 7º C-2
08029 Barcelona - Spain
Phone: (+34) 933 633 954
Queries: secretary@ecostp2023.org
Payment and invoices: adm@ecostp2023.org
